The American Association of Immunologists

New User Account

Please enter the information requested below to register as a new user. After you submit the information, click on "My Homepage" in the upper left corner of the confirmation page to continue.
All (*) fields are required.

Account Login Information
User ID Your User ID will be your membership (account) number
Create Password
Contact Information
Please provide the following application information. Fields marked with an * are required.
First Name*
Middle Name or Initial
Last Name*
Suffix (Jr., Sr., etc.)
Achieved Degrees Select no more than 3 of terminal (highest achieved) degrees.

Select only if terminal degree (highest degree you plan to achieve).
Current Position*
Address Type*
Type of Organization*
Department/Address 1*
Address 2
Address 3
Required for US/Canada addresses only.
Zip/Postal Code*
Telephone Number* Extension
*US/Canada: Type only the area code and number - parentheses and dash will appear.
(e.g., 3016347195 will appear as (301)634-7195).
*International: Type the plus sign + country code and number, (e.g., +13016347195).
Fax Number
Email Address*
For example,
Institutional/Professional Web Address
URL of the faculty, lab, or other web page best describing your work
Career Level
Please check appropriate Career Level*

Professional Degree(s), Institution & Year (choose up to 3 starting with most recent degree)
Degree: Institution: Degree Year:
Degree: Institution: Degree Year:
Degree: Institution: Degree Year:
Voluntary Demographics
AAI is committed to ensuring a safe and welcoming environment for all members regardless of race, skin color, religion, national origin, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation/preference, age, military or veteran status, marital status, or disability. To best serve our membership, we ask you to complete these basic demographic questions. Your answers are confidential, and will never be shared with third parties. Participation is voluntary.

Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
Gender Male
Prefer to identify as...
Prefer not to answer
Ethnicity (U.S. Citizens / Permanent Residents ONLY)